Source code for glib_log_bridge.python2glib

import logging
import ctypes
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Callable, List
# from import Callable
import gi
from gi.repository import GLib

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class PythonToGLibLoggerHandler(logging.Handler): """ Python logger handle that just forwards message records to the GLib logger. Note that since this subclasses :py:class:`logging.Handler`, view their documentation for more information, such as filters and so on. .. NOTE: Copy-Pasted from the __init__ version :param replace_module_char: What to replace the dots (logger namespace separator) with when converting. Also see :py:data:`PythonToGLibLoggerHandler.replace_module_char`. :param log_domain_prefix: What it should put before the converted logger name. Also see :py:data:`PythonToGLibLoggerHandler.log_domain_prefix`. :param log_domain_suffix: What it should put after the converted logger name. Also see :py:data:`PythonToGLibLoggerHandler.log_domain_suffix`. """ replace_module_char: str = '-' """ What to replace the dots (logger namespace separator) with when converting. """ log_domain_prefix: str = '' """What it should put before the converted logger name.""" log_domain_suffix: str = '' """What it should put after the converted logger name."""
[docs] def __init__(self, level=logging.NOTSET, replace_module_char: str = replace_module_char, log_domain_prefix: str = log_domain_prefix, log_domain_suffix: str = log_domain_suffix, ): """ Initializes the instance, basically setting the formatter to ``None`` and the filter list to empty. :param replace_module_char: What to replace the dots (logger namespace separator) with when converting. Also see :py:data:`PythonToGLibLoggerHandler.replace_module_char`. :param log_domain_prefix: What it should put before the converted logger name. Also see :py:data:`PythonToGLibLoggerHandler.log_domain_prefix`. :param log_domain_suffix: What it should put after the converted logger name. Also see :py:data:`PythonToGLibLoggerHandler.log_domain_suffix`. """ super().__init__(level) self.replace_module_char = replace_module_char self.log_domain_prefix = log_domain_prefix self.log_domain_suffix = log_domain_suffix
_level_to_glib_map: Dict[int, GLib.LogLevelFlags] = { # Don't use the GLib equivalent because glib then likes to terminate. logging.CRITICAL: GLib.LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_WARNING, logging.ERROR: GLib.LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_WARNING, logging.WARNING: GLib.LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_WARNING, logging.INFO: GLib.LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_INFO, logging.DEBUG: GLib.LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_DEBUG, # Not used: GLib.LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_MESSAGE } """ Map used to convert from a Python logger level to the GLib Log Level. """
[docs] def _level_to_glib(self, level: int, default: GLib.LogLevelFlags = GLib.LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_DEBUG) -> GLib.LogLevelFlags: """ Converts a Python loglevel to a GLib log level. If no mapping exists, use the specified default value. The default implementation will use the :py:data:`PythonToGLibLoggerHandler._level_to_glib_map` map. """ for key in sorted(self._level_to_glib_map, reverse=True): if level >= key: return self._level_to_glib_map[key] return default
[docs] def _get_log_domain(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> str: """ Returns the log domain for the specified record. The default implementation takes :py:data:`PythonToGLibLoggerHandler.log_domain_prefix` and :py:data:`PythonToGLibLoggerHandler.log_domain_prefix` into consideration. :param record: The record to retrieve (and convert) the log domain from. :returns: The log domain name to use to log to GLib. """ return self.log_domain_prefix \ +'.', self.replace_module_char) \ + self.log_domain_suffix
[docs] def _get_fields(self, record: logging.LogRecord, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Return fields to use based on the given log record. The default implementation will insert the following keys: * ``MESSAGE``: The formatted message * ``CODE_FUNC``, ``CODE_FILE``, ``CODE_LINE``: Where it logged * ``PYTHON_MESSAGE``: The unformatted message * ``PYTHON_MODULE``: What module the log was emitted from * ``PYTHON_LOGGER``: To what logger name it was supposed to log to * ``PYTHON_TNAME``: Thread Name * ``PYTHON_TID``: Thread ID The default implementaion will also insert exception information: * ``PYTHON_EXC``: Exception type with complete name * ``PYTHON_EXC_MESSAGE``: Stringify exception message Additionally, the default implementation will also insert (and override) values from the ``glib_fields`` attribute of the record, if it exists and is a :py:class:`dict`, when ``update_from_record`` is ``True`` (the default). Subclasses can override this function to insert their own values and such. :param record: The record to convert into a suitable :py:class:`dict`. :param update_from_record: Extend it with ``record.glib_fields``, when it exists and is a :py:class:`dict`. Defaults to ``True``. :type update_from_record: bool :returns: Converted :py:class:`dict` from the specified record. """ fields = { 'MESSAGE': self.format(record), 'CODE_FUNC': record.funcName, 'CODE_FILE': record.pathname, 'CODE_LINE': record.lineno, 'PYTHON_MESSAGE': record.getMessage(), 'PYTHON_MODULE': record.module, 'PYTHON_LOGGER':, 'PYTHON_TNAME': record.threadName, 'PYTHON_TID': record.thread, } if record.exc_info is not None: exc_type, exc, exc_tb = record.exc_info if exc_type is None: exc_type = type(exc) type_name = exc_type.__module__ + '.' + exc_type.__qualname__ fields['PYTHON_EXC'] = type_name fields['PYTHON_EXC_MESSAGE'] = str(exc) if kwargs.get('update_from_record', True) and \ hasattr(record, 'glib_fields') and \ isinstance(getattr(record, 'glib_fields', None), dict): fields.update(getattr(record, 'glib_fields', {})) return fields
[docs] def _convert_fields_dict(self, fields: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Dict[str, GLib.Variant]: """ Modifies a dictionary of the fields to convert their values into GLib Variants, ready to be passed into :py:func:`GLib.log_variant`. By default, existing :py:class:`GLib.Variant` objects are untouched, strings are converted to :py:class:`Glib.Variant` strings, and :py:class:`bytes` objects to :py:class:`Glib.Variant` bytes, as per the official documentation. For other objects :py:func:`str` is called and the resulting string is inserted. Note that strings containing an null-byte will be cut off for that point. An warning will be emitted in that case. :param fields: The fields to convert. :returns: ``fields``, which has been modified to be converted to :py:class:`GLib.Variant`. """ for key, value in fields.items(): # TODO: What about keys that aren't strings? if isinstance(value, GLib.Variant): continue # Already converted, ignore elif isinstance(value, bytes): fields[key] = GLib.Variant('ay', value) else: s = str(value) if '\x00' in s: logger.warn("Found 0-byte in string, will be cut off: %r", s) fields[key] = GLib.Variant('s', s) return fields
[docs] def emit(self, record: logging.LogRecord): """ Log the specified record, by converting and forwarding it to the GLib logging system. Normally, you wouldn't use this directly but rather implicitly via Pythons logging system. :param record: The record to log to GLib. """ log_domain = self._get_log_domain(record) log_level = self._level_to_glib(record.levelno) fields_dict = self._get_fields(record) if 'MESSAGE' not in fields_dict: logger.error("Missing mandatory MESSAGE, possible crash ahead: %r", fields_dict) fields = GLib.Variant('a{sv}', self._convert_fields_dict(fields_dict)) GLib.log_variant(log_domain, log_level, fields)
_GLib_LogWriterFunc = Callable[[GLib.LogLevelFlags, GLib.LogField, Any], GLib.LogWriterOutput]
[docs]class PythonToGLibWriterHandler(PythonToGLibLoggerHandler): """ Python logger handler that directly forwards to an GLib logger writer function. Example:: obj = PythonToGLibWriterHandler(GLib.log_writer_default) Note that there are pre-existing instances at: - :py:data:`pythonToGLibWriterDefault` (uses :py:func:`GLib.log_writer_default`) - :py:data:`pythonToGLibWriterStandardStreams` (uses :py:func:`GLib.log_writer_standard_streams`) - :py:data:`pythonToGLibWriterJournald` (uses :py:func:`GLib.log_writer_journald`) Note that since this subclasses :py:class:`logging.Handler`, view their documentation for more information, such as filters and so on. """
[docs] def __init__(self, writer: _GLib_LogWriterFunc, user_data: Any = None, level=logging.NOTSET, **kwargs): """ Initializes the instance, basically setting the formatter to ``None`` and the filter list to empty. :param writer: The writer function to forward to. :param user_data: Additional data to forward to the writer function. """ super().__init__(level, **kwargs) self.writer: _GLib_LogWriterFunc = writer self.user_data: Any = user_data
[docs] def _get_fields(self, record: logging.LogRecord, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Return fields to use based on the given log record. See :py:func:`PythonToGLibLoggerHandler._get_fields` for more information. This implementation will also set ``GLIB_DOMAIN`` when not set. :param record: The record to convert into a suitable :py:class:`dict`. :param update_from_record: Extend it with ``record.glib_fields``, when it exists and is a :py:class:`dict`. Defaults to ``True``. :type update_from_record: bool :returns: Converted :py:class:`dict` from the specified record. """ fields = super()._get_fields(record, **kwargs) if 'GLIB_DOMAIN' not in fields: fields['GLIB_DOMAIN'] = self._get_log_domain(record) return fields
[docs] def _convert_fields(self, fields: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[GLib.LogField]: """ Convert a record fields to an list of :py:class:`GLib.LogField`. :param fields: The fields to convert. :returns: The converted fields. """ log_fields: List[GLib.LogField] = [] for key, value in fields.items(): # TODO: Convert GLib Variants if isinstance(value, str): length = -1 cvalue = ctypes.create_string_buffer(value.encode('utf-8')) else: if not isinstance(value, bytes): value = str(value).encode('utf-8') length = len(value) cvalue = ctypes.create_string_buffer(value, len(value)) log_field = GLib.LogField() log_field.key = key log_field.length = length log_field.value = ctypes.addressof(cvalue) # Keep cvalue buffer alive until after logging (using) it setattr(log_field, '_p2g_value_ctypes', cvalue) log_fields.append(log_field) return log_fields
[docs] def _get_logfields(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> List[GLib.LogField]: """ Returns the :py:class:`GLib.LogField` to pass to GLib for the specified record. :param record: The record to convert from. :returns: The fields to pass to GLib. """ return self._convert_fields(self._get_fields(record))
[docs] def emit(self, record): """ Log the specified record, by converting and forwarding it to the specified GLib Log Writer Function. Normally, you wouldn't use this directly but rather implicitly via Pythons logging system. :param record: The record to forward to GLib. """ log_level = self._level_to_glib(record.levelno) fields = self._get_logfields(record) ret = self.writer(log_level, fields, self.user_data) return ret
pythonToGLibWriterDefault = \ PythonToGLibWriterHandler(GLib.log_writer_default) """ Python Logger Handler to forward to :py:func:`GLib.log_writer_default`. """ pythonToGLibWriterStandardStreams = \ PythonToGLibWriterHandler(GLib.log_writer_standard_streams) """ Python Logger Handler to forward to :py:func:`GLib.log_writer_standard_streams`. """ pythonToGLibWriterJournald = \ PythonToGLibWriterHandler(GLib.log_writer_journald) """ Python Logger Handler to forward to :py:func:`GLib.log_writer_journald`. """