API Reference

GLib → Python

Python → GLib

class glib_log_bridge.python2glib.GLibLogHandler(writer, user_data=None, level=0, **kwargs)[source]

Python logger handler that directly forwards to an GLib old-style log handler. Example:

>>> obj = GLibLogHandler(GLib.log_default_handler)


Uses the old-style GLib log API, so only the message, log domain and level are used, other fields are silently dropped. Use GLibWriterHandler instead.

Note that there is an pre-existing instance at:

Note that since this subclasses logging.Handler, view their documentation for more information, such as filters and so on.

__init__(writer, user_data=None, level=0, **kwargs)[source]

Initializes the instance, basically setting the formatter to None and the filter list to empty.

  • handler – The log handler function to forward to.

  • user_data (Optional[Any]) – Additional data to forward to the handler function.

  • writer (Callable[[str, LogLevelFlags, str, Any], Any]) –


Returns the message to pass to GLib for the specified record.


record (LogRecord) – The record to retrieve the message from.

Return type



The message to pass to GLib.


Log the specified record, by converting and forwarding it to the specified GLib Log Writer Function.

Normally, you wouldn’t use this directly but rather implicitly via Pythons logging system.


record – The record to forward to GLib.

class glib_log_bridge.python2glib.GLibWriterHandler(writer, user_data=None, level=0, **kwargs)[source]

Python logger handler that directly forwards to an GLib logger writer function. Example:

>>> obj = GLibWriterHandler(GLib.log_writer_default)

Note that there are pre-existing instances at:

Note that since this subclasses logging.Handler, view their documentation for more information, such as filters and so on.

__init__(writer, user_data=None, level=0, **kwargs)[source]

Initializes the instance, basically setting the formatter to None and the filter list to empty.

  • writer (Callable[[LogLevelFlags, LogField, Any], LogWriterOutput]) – The writer function to forward to.

  • user_data (Optional[Any]) – Additional data to forward to the writer function.


Convert a record fields to an list of GLib.LogField.


fields (Dict[str, Any]) – The fields to convert.

Return type



The converted fields.

_get_fields(record, **kwargs)[source]

Return fields to use based on the given log record.

See LoggerHandler._get_fields() for more information.

This implementation will also set GLIB_DOMAIN when not set.

  • record (LogRecord) – The record to convert into a suitable dict.

  • update_from_record (bool) – Extend it with record.glib_fields, when it exists and is a dict. Defaults to True.

Return type

Dict[str, Any]


Converted dict from the specified record.


Returns the GLib.LogField to pass to GLib for the specified record.


record (LogRecord) – The record to convert from.

Return type



The fields to pass to GLib.


Log the specified record, by converting and forwarding it to the specified GLib Log Writer Function.

Normally, you wouldn’t use this directly but rather implicitly via Pythons logging system.


record – The record to forward to GLib.

class glib_log_bridge.python2glib.LoggerHandler(level=0, replace_module_char='-', log_domain_prefix='', log_domain_suffix='')[source]

Python logger handle that just forwards message records to the GLib logger.

Note that since this subclasses logging.Handler, view their documentation for more information, such as filters and so on.

__init__(level=0, replace_module_char='-', log_domain_prefix='', log_domain_suffix='')[source]

Initializes the instance, basically setting the formatter to None and the filter list to empty.


Modifies a dictionary of the fields to convert their values into GLib Variants, ready to be passed into GLib.log_variant().

By default, existing GLib.Variant objects are untouched, strings are converted to Glib.Variant strings, and bytes objects to Glib.Variant bytes, as per the official documentation.

For other objects str() is called and the resulting string is inserted.

Note that strings containing an null-byte will be cut off for that point. An warning will be emitted in that case.


fields (Dict[str, Any]) – The fields to convert.

Return type

Dict[str, Variant]


fields, which has been modified to be converted to GLib.Variant.

_get_fields(record, **kwargs)[source]

Return fields to use based on the given log record.

The default implementation will insert the following keys:

  • MESSAGE: The formatted message

  • CODE_FUNC, CODE_FILE, CODE_LINE: Where it logged

  • PYTHON_MESSAGE: The unformatted message

  • PYTHON_MODULE: What module the log was emitted from

  • PYTHON_LOGGER: To what logger name it was supposed to log to

  • PYTHON_TNAME: Thread Name

  • PYTHON_TID: Thread ID

The default implementaion will also insert exception information:

  • PYTHON_EXC: Exception type with complete name

  • PYTHON_EXC_MESSAGE: Stringify exception message

Additionally, the default implementation will also insert (and override) values from the glib_fields attribute of the record, if it exists and is a dict, when update_from_record is True (the default).

Subclasses can override this function to insert their own values and such. They can use the lower-scoped methods for more control:

  • record (LogRecord) – The record to convert into a suitable dict.

  • update_from_record (bool) – Extend it with record.glib_fields, when it exists and is a dict. Defaults to True.

Return type

Dict[str, Any]


Converted dict from the specified record.

_get_fields_basic(record, fields)[source]

Insert and return basic essential fields to use based on the given log record.

The default implementation will insert the following keys:

  • MESSAGE: The formatted message

  • CODE_FUNC, CODE_FILE, CODE_LINE: Where it logged

  • record (LogRecord) – The record to convert into a suitable dict.

  • fields (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) – The existing fields to update. If None, a new one is created and returned.

Return type

Dict[str, Any]


Converted dict from the specified record.

_get_fields_exception(record, fields)[source]

Insert and return fields related to the current exception based on the given log record, if they contain them.

The default implementation will insert the following keys:

  • PYTHON_EXC: Exception type with complete name

  • PYTHON_EXC_MESSAGE: Stringify exception message

They won’t be inserted when no exception is available.

  • record (LogRecord) – The record to convert into a suitable dict.

  • fields (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) – The existing fields to update. If None, a new one is created and returned.

Return type

Dict[str, Any]


Converted dict from the specified record.

_get_fields_metadata(record, fields)[source]

Return basic essential fields to use based on the given log record.

The default implementation will insert the following keys:

  • PYTHON_MESSAGE: The unformatted message

  • PYTHON_MODULE: What module the log was emitted from

  • PYTHON_LOGGER: To what logger name it was supposed to log to

  • PYTHON_TNAME: Thread Name

  • PYTHON_TID: Thread ID

  • record (LogRecord) – The record to convert into a suitable dict.

  • fields (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) – The existing fields to update. If None, a new one is created and returned.

Return type

Dict[str, Any]


Converted dict from the specified record.

_get_fields_record(record, fields)[source]

Insert and return additional fields specified in the given log record glib_fields attribute of the record, if it exists.

  • record (LogRecord) – The record to convert into a suitable dict.

  • fields (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) – The existing fields to update. If None, a new one is created and returned.

Return type

Dict[str, Any]


Converted dict from the specified record.


Returns the log domain for the specified record. The default implementation takes LoggerHandler.log_domain_prefix and LoggerHandler.log_domain_prefix into consideration.


record (LogRecord) – The record to retrieve (and convert) the log domain from.

Return type



The log domain name to use to log to GLib.

_level_to_glib(level, default=gi.repository.GLib.LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_DEBUG)[source]

Converts a Python loglevel to a GLib log level. If no mapping exists, use the specified default value.

The default implementation will use the LoggerHandler._level_to_glib_map map.

  • level (int) –

  • default (LogLevelFlags) –

Return type


_level_to_glib_map: Dict[int, gi.repository.GLib.LogLevelFlags] = {10: gi.repository.GLib.LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_DEBUG, 20: gi.repository.GLib.LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_INFO, 30: gi.repository.GLib.LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_WARNING, 40: gi.repository.GLib.LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_WARNING, 50: gi.repository.GLib.LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_WARNING}

Map used to convert from a Python logger level to the GLib Log Level.


Log the specified record, by converting and forwarding it to the GLib logging system.

Normally, you wouldn’t use this directly but rather implicitly via Pythons logging system.


record (LogRecord) – The record to log to GLib.

log_domain_prefix: str = ''

What it should put before the converted logger name.

log_domain_suffix: str = ''

What it should put after the converted logger name.

replace_module_char: str = '-'

What to replace the dots (logger namespace separator) with when converting.

glib_log_bridge.python2glib.glibLogHandlerDefault = <GLibLogHandler (NOTSET)>

Python Logger Handler to forward to GLib.log_default_handler().


Uses the old-style GLib log API, so only the message, log domain and level are used, other fields are silently dropped. Use GLibWriterHandler or one of their pre-existing instances instead.

glib_log_bridge.python2glib.glibWriterHandlerDefault = <GLibWriterHandler (NOTSET)>

Python Logger Handler to forward to GLib.log_writer_default().

glib_log_bridge.python2glib.glibWriterHandlerJournald = <GLibWriterHandler (NOTSET)>

Python Logger Handler to forward to GLib.log_writer_journald().

glib_log_bridge.python2glib.glibWriterHandlerStandardStreams = <GLibWriterHandler (NOTSET)>

Python Logger Handler to forward to GLib.log_writer_standard_streams().